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Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 21 srp 2013, 21:21
od Edwin

Art in the closet must have been very exciting ..... :lol:

Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 22 srp 2013, 17:15
od Edwin
And off we went to the Panthers.

Since I want to start the engine using the remote control I built a simple switch from a low power and a button. Since the engines are no longer controlled by the electronics Tamiya enough this button with its switching capacity from perfect.


I have built in the same place the new one-switch on which he already was before, but the brushless motor due to a stronger one.


And so the Panthers now looks inside ..... what a lot of cable ..... srol


The coordination between the regulators and the Tamiya Brushless electronics I have also done it to 90%. Only for right-handers, the motor will not sound like me, but I will still get through. What does not work is the excess flash and the MG LED, for whatever reason. But this has nothing to do with my conversion.
But since I have sooo much to do must last for the first Dernbach. That it is possible I have proven ......

And of course I also tested it in the garden ... :D

Obrázek ...

Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 29 srp 2013, 22:32
od mrst
tak to si budeš muset koupit Tamku a budeš mít pokoj na vždy!!!

Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 30 srp 2013, 12:35
od Edwin
Hi Balcin,

I just hope I understood it correctly, as your language for me always very twisted comes from the translator and I first everything until it is a few times turn sense to me.

Since I build things according to customer prices also arise from the wishes of the customers.... puffy

regards Edwin

Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 30 srp 2013, 14:32
od zander
balcin píše:..Kluci,zeptéjte se ho někdo,za kolik mě prodá tu vanu na tigra??..I s těma převodovkama...Sakra to by se mě líbilo a měl bych do smrti pokoj od vyčvachtání ramen a dalších věcí..Ta vana by mě to moje ježdění určitě vydržela,až do smrti..Vypadá velice krásně a pevně...Jen kolik stojí... ;)

Stačí se kouknout v tématu three tiger, tam jsem se ho na to ptal, nicméně vana s torzními tyčemi komplet odpružení a vypínáky a převodovkami 620Euro /staví to pouze na zakázku/
střídavé motory se setrvačníky 160 EURO
Takže suma sumárum komplet vana bez kol s motory 780Euro x25,50 je 19890 CZK cca.
Takže si to můžeš klidně objednat.


Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 30 srp 2013, 15:18
od Edwin
Thank you Michal,

the translation is still very difficult for me to understand. This will take some time until I can do better, but I'm learning.

regards Edwin

Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 30 srp 2013, 16:14
od zander
Everyone is learning.


Re: I'm building an electronic hybrid of my Panther

Napsal: 30 srp 2013, 21:19
od zander
balcin píše:Vládo a jak ta vana od té Tamky vypadá??..Nemůžeš tu dát na ni odkaz a kde ji koupím??..Díky..
Tu ale nenapasuješ na HL /nebo po velkých upravách/,a že by byla o tolik kvalitnější se mi nezdá, musel by jsi jí ještě potom dost otunit a to je další problém, je to trochu jiný systém , a obávám se i trochu rozměr.
Myslím si, že nejlepší východisko je koupit tu další od HL , jen jí přehodíš , jsou teď za super peníze a zase budeš nějákou dobu jezdit v klidu. ;) ;)
